Blood Enemies
It’s been a year since Andrej Koscuisko sent his stolen bond-involuntary Security into Gonebeyond space; a year since he followed after, to seek out a man he has deeply wronged. Safehaven Medical Center has welcomed his presence and carefully prevented him from leaving; his Security are fully occupied as auxillaries in the Langsarik fleet on board of the Malcontent’s thula, Fisher Wolf.
When a secret mission calls the thula to Langsarik Station, one of Andrej’s once-Security — Robert St. Clare — will take the opportunity to meet with Andrej again at last, and set Andrej off on a mission to apologize to Security Chief Brachi Stildyne.
Neither Andrej, nor Robert, nor Stildyne know that they face an enemy with the will and the means to enslave Gonebeyond Space and everybody in it. “Cousin” Stanoczk — the Malcontent’s secret agent — knows the stakes; and is willing to sacrifice Andrej, and everybody Andrej loves, to prevail.
In the bitter struggle that lies ahead Andrej will be forced to confront the greatest challenge of his life, one to which he must yield in order to overcome, one whose consequences — even should he live — may ruin his last chances for happiness forever.